Oxygen-28: Unstable “Magic” Isotope That Defies Expectations

Oxygen-28: Unstable "Magic" Isotope That Defies Expectations
Contrary to expectations, oxygen-28 exhibited an astonishingly brief existence. Its nucleus, resembling an overstuffed bucket, shed four neutrons almost immediately, leaving behind oxygen-24. Detecting these decay products simultaneously confirmed the creation of oxygen-28.

Scientists have recently made a groundbreaking discovery by detecting oxygen-28, a rare and elusive variant of oxygen. Oxygen-28 was initially expected to be stable due to its composition of eight protons and 20 neutrons, which are considered “magic” numbers associated with exceptional stability in atomic nuclei. Oxygen-28: An Unstable “Magic” Isotope That Defies Expectations. However, the first observations of oxygen-28 have left researchers baffled, as it turns out to be far more ephemeral than enduring, with nuclei disintegrating after just a zeptosecond.

The Elusive Oxygen-28

The journey to discover oxygen-28 required a combination of cutting-edge technology and innovative experimental techniques. Physicist Yosuke Kondo and his team at the Tokyo Institute of Technology used a powerful particle accelerator to collide calcium-48 atoms with a beryllium target, resulting in the fragmentation of calcium-48 atoms into lighter isotopes, including fluorine-29. Oxygen-28: an unstable “Magic” isotope that defies expectations. Further experimentation involved striking fluorine-29 against a liquid hydrogen target, which resulted in the ejection of a single proton, ultimately producing oxygen-28. Contrary to expectations, oxygen-28 exhibited an astonishingly brief existence. Its nucleus, resembling an overstuffed bucket, shed four neutrons almost immediately, leaving behind oxygen-24. Detecting these decay products simultaneously confirmed the creation of oxygen-28.

Challenging Existing Theories

The surprising instability of oxygen-28 has profound implications for our understanding of atomic nuclei and the strong nuclear force that binds protons and neutrons within them. Existing theories failed to predict this behaviour, prompting scientists to rethink their models. Physicist Rituparna Kanungo of Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Canada, notes that the discovery “points again to this very highly challenging task of understanding completely the strongest force of nature.”

The discovery of oxygen-28 challenges our assumptions about the stability of atomic nuclei and underscores the complexity of the strong nuclear force. As scientists continue to grapple with this enigmatic isotope, it promises to pave the way for new theoretical developments and a deeper understanding of the fundamental forces that govern the universe.

For further information:https://www.sciencenews.org/

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