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Researchers have revealed what is inside the Moon

In a significant development advancing our understanding of the Moon, researchers have uncovered the composition of its core. Dispelling whimsical notions like the Moon being made of green cheese, this discovery offers concrete evidence that the Moon's core is neither entirely solid nor fully molten. Unveiling the Moon's Core Composition Speculation about the Moon's core has been abundant, but recent findings by a team led by French astronomer Arthur Briaud have provided definitive answers. Their study, published in the Nature journal and based on data from NASA's GRAIL mission, reveals that the Moon's core comprises a solid metal ball surrounded by a molten outer layer. By analyzing simulations and existing data, the team crafted a detailed profile of the Moon's internal structure. Insights from Seismic and Gravitational Data Utilizing GRAIL mission data, which involved measuring gravitational forces between two orbiting spacecraft, scientists pinpointed variations in the Moon's gravitational field. Additionally, Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) was used to measure distances between Earth and lunar points, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of lunar features and core dynamics. Comparing Moon and Earth Cores The study highlights similarities between the Moon's core and Earth's. Both cores feature a solid inner core surrounded by a fluid outer layer. Modeling estimates the Moon's inner core radius at approximately 258 kilometers (160 miles), with the outer core extending about 362 kilometers (225 miles). The inner core's density, akin to iron, is around 7,822 kilograms per cubic meter. Implications for Future Exploration These findings not only validate previous hypotheses but also hold substantial implications for future lunar exploration. Understanding the Moon's internal composition is crucial as nations plan lunar missions and potential human settlements. This knowledge will inform the design of resilient instruments and habitats capable of withstanding lunar conditions and aid in resource extraction, such as water ice critical for sustainability. Advancing Lunar Science and Exploration The discovery enriches our understanding of the Moon's formation, structure, and geological history, offering insights crucial for future missions and technological advancements. As space agencies continue their lunar exploration efforts, these findings will shape strategies for effective and informed exploration. In conclusion, researchers have unveiled the Moon's core composition, marking a monumental achievement in lunar science. This breakthrough not only deepens our knowledge but also lays essential groundwork for humanity's successful return to the Moon, ensuring future explorations are both informed and prosperous.