Microplastics discovered in tissues of whales and dolphins

Microplastics have been found virtually everywhere, from the deepest ocean trenches to remote Arctic ice.

The study, slated for publication in the Environmental Pollution journal, reveals that two-thirds of the marine mammals surveyed were found to have microscopic plastic particles embedded in their tissues.

Researchers Successfully Restore Hearing in Mice

Researchers Successfully Restore Hearing in Mice

"Our study challenges the notion that degenerative hearing loss is always irreversible. By demonstrating the potential for reversal through genetic methods in mice, we pave the way for exploring gene therapy and pharmaceutical interventions for individuals with similar forms of hearing loss."

Utilizing 239 Million-Year-Old Fossils to Enhance the Search for Martian Aliens

Mars Surface pictursa

In the quest for Martian aliens, scientists might begin their search by examining microscopic fossils within lava rocks right here on Earth.

Exploring the Top 7 Technology Trends of 2023: From AI to 5D Technology

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Exploring the Top 7 Technology Trends of 2023: From AI to 5D Technology

AI Demonstrated 95% Accuracy in Listening, Typing, and Data Processing

AI Demonstrates 95% Accuracy in Listening, Typing, and Data Processing"

he research team’s findings unveiled a startling reality: a deep learning model trained to interpret keystrokes recorded through a microphone can achieve an astonishing accuracy rate of 95%.

NASA research: Aggravating Climate Hazards at Two Degrees Warming

NASA Study Reveals Compounding Climate Risks at Two Degrees of Warming

n a bid to uncover the potential ripple effects of rising temperatures, NASA's study takes center stage. Their journey begins with climate forecasts from premier models worldwide, a tapestry of insights that bolsters our grasp of Earth's changing climate.

Researchers convert waste paper into battery components for Mobile phones and electric vehicles

Paper wastes

Researchers convert waste paper into battery components for Mobile phones and electric vehicles

Chemistry Entrepreneurship

Chemistry Entrepreneurship

Chemistry Entrepreneurship

Energy Storage from Waste Materials

Energy Storage from Waste Materials

Energy Storage from Waste Materials

Android 14: Satellite SMS for Everyone

Android 14

One notable highlight is its support for satellite connectivity on smartphones, enabling users to send emergency messages even in areas without cellular or WiFi coverage.